Linux: EPEL 
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) is a volunteer-based community effort from the Fedora project to create a repository of high-quality add-on packages for Red Hat Enterprise (RHEL) and its compatible spinoffs such as CentOS or Scientific Linux. Fedora is the upstream of RHEL and add-on packages for EPEL are sourced from the Fedora repository primarily and built against RHEL.

Install appropriate release: ... noarch.rpm

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LINUX: Low level BIOS information, biosdecode and dmidecode 
biosdecode is a command line utility to parses the BIOS memory and prints information about all structures (or entry points) it knows of.

# biosdecode
ACPI 2.0 present.
OEM Identifier: INTEL
RSD Table 32-bit Address: 0x9FB39038
XSD Table 64-bit Address: 0x000000009FB39120
SMBIOS 2.5 present.
Structure Table Length: 2670 bytes
Structure Table Address: 0x9FA32000
Number Of Structures: 73
Maximum Structure Size: 115 bytes
PNP BIOS 1.0 present.
Event Notification: Not Supported
Real Mode 16-bit Code Address: F000:CA66
Real Mode 16-bit Data Address: F000:0000
16-bit Protected Mode Code Address: 0x000FCA8E
16-bit Protected Mode Data Address: 0x000F0000
PCI Interrupt Routing 1.0 present.
Router ID: 00:1f.0
Exclusive IRQs: None
Compatible Router: 8086:122e
Slot Entry 1: ID 00:00, on-board
Slot Entry 2: ID 00:02, on-board
Slot Entry 3: ID 00:03, on-board
Slot Entry 4: ID 00:04, on-board

The DMI table doesn’t only describe what the system is currently made of, it also can report the possible evolutions such as the fastest supported CPU or the maximal amount of memory supported.

# dmidecode -t processor 
# dmidecode 2.10
SMBIOS 2.5 present.

Handle 0x0032, DMI type 4, 40 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPU1
Type: Central Processor
Family: Xeon
Manufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation
ID: 7A 06 01 00 FF FB EB BF
Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 23, Stepping 10
FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)
VME (Virtual mode extension)
DE (Debugging extension)
PSE (Page size extension)
TSC (Time stamp counter)
MSR (Model specific registers)
PAE (Physical address extension)
MCE (Machine check exception)

# dmidecode -t memory

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GPG cheatsheet 
Generate gey, info and export/import:

gpg --gen-key
gpg --list-keys
gpg --export "Test 1 <test1@test1>" -a
gpg --import public_key_pg2.key

Encrypt/decrypt secret message:

gpg -a --encrypt secret.txt
gpg --decrypt secret.txt.pgp

Encrypt and sign/Decrypt message:

gpg -s -a secret.txt
gpg --verify secret.txt.asc

Public key server store:

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SSH push_key script and backup script
HOSTNAME=`hostname --fqdn`
DATE=`date "+%d%m%Y"`
tar cvfz /var/backup/${HOSTNAME}_${DATE}.tar.gz /etc/
chown tech:tech /var/backup/${HOSTNAME}_${DATE}.tar.gz
scp -i /home/tech/.ssh/id_dsa_${HOSTNAME} /var/backup/${HOSTNAME}_${DATE}.tar.gz \

find /var/backup/ -type f -mtime +14 | xargs rm -rf


while true
BOXNAME=`hostname --fqdn`
echo ${BOXNAME}
echo "--------------------"
echo "Generate key ... 1"
echo "Push key ... 2"
echo "Server connect ... 3"
echo "Exit ... x"
echo -n ": "
read option
case $option in
echo "Generatin key"
if [ -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa_${BOXNAME} ]
echo "WARNING: ~/.ssh/id_dsa_${BOXNAME} exists - giving up."
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa_${BOXNAME}
sleep 8
echo "Pushing key"
echo -n "Target srvr: "
read remotebox
echo -n "Target user: "
read user
echo "Using id_dsa.pub_${BOXNAME}"
ls -la ~/.ssh/id_dsa_${BOXNAME}.pub 2> /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ]
echo "Problem with a key"
cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa_${BOXNAME}.pub | ssh ${user}@${remotebox} \
"(mkdir .ssh&>/dev/null; chmod 700 .ssh && cat - >> .ssh/authorized_keys )&&chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys"
sleep 5
echo "Please edit the following options in /etc/ssh/sshd_config"
echo "AllowUsers $user"
echo "PermitRootLogin no"
echo "PubkeyAuthentication yes"
echo "PasswordAuthentication no"
echo "ChallengeResponseAuthentication no"
echo "X11Forwarding no"
echo "Press [enter]"
echo -n "Target srvr: "
read remotebox
echo -n "Target user: "
read user
ssh -l $user -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa_${BOXNAME} $remotebox
echo "Quit"
echo "Wrong"

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Solaris: Increasing space, SVM 
============= ... olume_with

TASK: Increase of fs

root@svg31n02:prod(global)# df -h /export/zones/embdbp02/root/opt/app/oracle
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
7.9G 5.0G 2.8G 64% /export/zones/embdbp02

# metastat -s embdbp02 -c
embdbp02/d0 p 8.0GB embdbp02/d1000 <----------- grow this soft partition
embdbp02/d1000 m 19GB embdbp02/d1003 embdbp02/d1004
embdbp02/d1003 s 20GB d337s0 <----------- fraHDS03
embdbp02/d1004 s 20GB d46s0 <----------- kelHDS03

new disks:
5 fraHDS03 132D /dev/did/rdsk/d5 5 GB - - -
13 kelHDS03 132D /dev/did/rdsk/d13 5 GB - - -


1. Grow submirrors: metattach <md_submirror> <new_disk_did/dnnns0>

# metattach -s embdbp02 d1003 /dev/did/rdsk/d5s0
embdbp02/d1003: component is attached

# metattach -s embdbp02 d1004 /dev/did/rdsk/d13s0
embdbp02/d1004: component is attached

# metastat -s embdbp02 -c
embdbp02/d3 p 4.0GB embdbp02/d1000
embdbp02/d2 p 4.0GB embdbp02/d1000
embdbp02/d1 p 4.0GB embdbp02/d1000
embdbp02/d0 p 8.0GB embdbp02/d1000
embdbp02/d1000 m 25GB embdbp02/d1003 embdbp02/d1004 <----- 25GB (before was 20GB)
embdbp02/d1003 s 25GB d337s0 d5s0
embdbp02/d1004 s 25GB d46s0 d13s0

2. Grow soft partition: metattach <softpart> <size>

# metattach -s embdbp02 d0 5g
embdbp02/d0: Soft Partition has been grown

# metastat -s embdbp02 -c
embdbp02/d0 p 13GB embdbp02/d1000 <----- 13GB (before was 8GB)
embdbp02/d1000 m 25GB embdbp02/d1003 embdbp02/d1004
embdbp02/d1003 s 25GB d337s0 d5s0
embdbp02/d1004 s 25GB d46s0 d13s0

# df -h /dev/md/embdbp02/dsk/d0
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
7.9G 5.0G 2.8G 64% /export/zones/embdbp02 <---- still 8GB

3. Grow fs: growfs -M <mounted_fs> /dev/md/<metaset>/rdsk/<md_mirror>

# growfs -M /export/zones/embdbp02 /dev/md/embdbp02/rdsk/d0

# df -h /dev/md/embdbp02/dsk/d0
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
13G 5.0G 7.7G 40% /export/zones/embdbp02 <----- 13GB (before was 8GB)

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Remote backup via ssh 
Backup of the /dev/hda1 device with gzip to remote machine via ssh and restore:

[root@vm04]# dd if=/dev/hda1 | gzip -f | ssh -C dd of=/tmp/backup.tar.gz

[root@vm05]# gunzip -c backup.tar.gz | ssh -C dd of=/some/dev

Backup with tar:

[root@vm04]# tar cvfx - . | ssh -C dd of=/tmp/tar.tgz

tips from UNIX Cheatsheet

ssh option "-C"
     -C      Requests compression of all data (including stdin, stdout, stderr, and data for forwarded X11 and TCP connections).  The compres-
sion algorithm is the same used by gzip(1), and the âlevelâCompressionLevel option for protocol version
1. Compression is desirable on modem lines and other slow connections, but will only slow down things on fast networks. The
default value can be set on a host-by-host basis in the configuration files; see the Compression option.

gunzip option "-c"
 -c --stdout --to-stdout
Write output on standard output; keep original files unchanged. If there are several input files, the output consists of a
sequence of independently compressed members. To obtain better compression, concatenate all input files before compressing them.

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SSH port tunnel syntax 
To get access to vm05 smtp protocol by localhost's port 2525

vm04# ssh -L 2525:localhost:25

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Simple Snake in Python 
My first and probably the very last attempt to write some code in python.


import os, sys, random

UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT = range( 4 )

class Worm:
def __init__(self, lenght, start_x, start_y ):
self.lenght = lenght
self.x = []
self.y = []
for body in range( lenght ):
self.x.append( start_x + body )
self.y.append( start_y + 0 )

def grow( self ):
self.lenght += 1
self.x.append( 0 )
self.y.append( 0 )

def info( self ):
print "head position is %d, %d. Control keys are wasd" % ( self.x[0], self.y[0] )
print "the all body parts on inc. head", self.x
print "the all body parts ", self.y
print "my lenght is ", len( self.x )

def moveBody( self ):
delka_pole = len( self.x )
while delka_pole > 1:
self.x[ delka_pole - 1 ] = self.x[ delka_pole - 2 ]
self.y[ delka_pole - 1 ] = self.y[ delka_pole - 2 ]
delka_pole -= 1

def moveHead( self, way ):
if way == UP:
self.y[ 0 ] -= 1
elif way == DOWN:
self.y[ 0 ] += 1
elif way == LEFT:
self.x[ 0 ] -= 1
elif way == RIGHT:
self.x[ 0 ] += 1

class gameField:
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size
self.field = [ ]
for line in range( self.size ):
self.field.append( [ "." ] )
for cell in range( self.size - 1):

def drawField(self):
for line in range( self.size ):
print self.field[ line ]

def putApple(self):
random.seed( self.size )
self.field[ random.randint( 0, self.size ) ][random.randint( 0, self.size ) ] = "$"

myWorm = Worm( 5, 5, 5 )
myGameField = gameField( 20 )
direction = UP

while myWorm.lenght < 6:

key = raw_input()
if key == "w": direction = UP
elif key == "s": direction = DOWN
elif key == "a": direction = LEFT
elif key == "d": direction = RIGHT

myWorm.moveHead( direction )

if myGameField.field[ myWorm.y[ 0 ] ][ myWorm.x[ 0 ] ] == "$":

for clanek_housenky in range( myWorm.lenght - 1 ):
myGameField.field[ myWorm.y[ clanek_housenky ] ][ myWorm.x[ clanek_housenky ] ] = "o"
myGameField.field[ myWorm.y[ myWorm.lenght - 1 ] ][ myWorm.x[ myWorm.lenght - 1 ] ] = "."


print "You successfully devoured the poisoned apple."

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2d array via list in Python 
>>> matrix = 10
>>> list = [ ]
>>> for line in range( matrix ):
... list.append( [ "x" ] )
... for cell in range(matrix - 1):
... list[line].extend('x')
>>> for line in range( matrix ):
... list[ line ]
['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x']
['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x']
['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x']
['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x']
['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x']
['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x']
['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x']
['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x']
['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x']
['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x']

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Fomapan 100 in Ilford ID11 for 6.5mins 

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