Mastering Ajax 
For many Web developers, making simple requests and receiving simple responses is all they'll ever need, but for developers who want to master Ajax, a complete understanding of HTTP status codes, ready states, and the XMLHttpRequest object is required. In this article, Brett McLaughlin will show you the different status codes and demonstrate how browsers handle each and he will showcase the lesser-used HTTP requests that you can make with Ajax.

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Dojo saves you time and scales with your development process, using web standards as its platform. It’s the toolkit experienced developers turn to for building high quality desktop and mobile web applications.

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stand-alone NFDUMP 
install nfdump on centos ... on-debian/

Check /etc/init.d/functions for the declared "deamon()" function and you
will spot a correct and clean way to run a service as a user. daemon()
can make use of the "runuser" command. ... 92698.html

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GeoIP Downloadable Databases  
The GeoIP product is available in a variety of downloadable databases. These databases use a custom binary format to maximize lookup speed. MaxMind also offers CSV versions of the same data. This is useful if you would like to import this data into a SQL RDBMS, for example.

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ip geolocation db 
they say:
With more than 4.5 million IPv4 and IPv6 blocks, this is one of the most comprehensive and accurate IP address databases available on the market.

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python: PyBrain 
PyBrain is a modular Machine Learning Library for Python. Its goal is to offer flexible, easy-to-use yet still powerful algorithms for Machine Learning Tasks and a variety of predefined environments to test and compare your algorithms.

PyBrain is short for Python-Based Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Library. In fact, we came up with the name first and later reverse-engineered this quite descriptive "Backronym".

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django: AJAX libraries for django 
dajaxice is the communication core of dajaxproject. Its main goal is to trivialize the asynchronous communication between the django server side code and your js code.

dajaxice is JS-framework agnostic and focuses on decoupling the presentation logic from the server-side logic. dajaxice only requires 5 minutes to start working.

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Kartograph is a simple and lightweight framework for building interactive map applications without Google Maps or any other mapping service. It was created with the needs of designers and data journalists in mind.

example: ... l-map.html

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Google Translate for Animals 

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Security conferences ... uComponent

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