TI Series Launchpads 

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Blog Yoa01's Life  

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Current Sources 
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/411f0DvXu18" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

http://electronicdesign.com/analog/volt ... wo-op-amps

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Getting Started with the MSP430 LaunchPad Workshop 
with MSP430FR5969 FRAM Launchpad

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MSP430ware's DriverLib 
MSP430ware's DriverLib

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MSP430 hardware I2C + UART example 
msp430 i2cslave
MSP430 I2C slave example (for MSP430G2553 on Launchpad) including master example (e.g. for TP-Link MR3020)


msp430 harduart
Hardware UART example for MSP430G2553 on TI Launchpad using mps430-gcc on Linux


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I lived so selfishly, the ordered video : D 

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Pokud začínáte nebo už programujete mikrokontroléry od firmy Texas Instruments, určitě by se vám mohl hodit tento skutečně povedený tutoriál o programování rodiny mikrokontrolérů MSP430. http://energia.nu/

link: http://www.argenox.com/library/msp430/
taken from: http://chiptron.petus.cz/news.php?readmore=119

Get familiar with MSP430 today using code examples available for a variety of applications.
http://www.ti.com/lsds/ti/microcontroll ... .page#code

MSP430 Open Source Tool Chain:
http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php ... s_-_MSP430

MSP430 Timers In-Depth:

MSP430 Timers and PWM:
http://homepages.ius.edu/RWISMAN/C335/H ... 0Timer.HTM

A Simple LaunchPad DAC:
http://www.msp430launchpad.com/2011/06/ ... d-dac.html

buy MSP-EXP430G2 - MSP430 LaunchPad Value Line Development kit:

http://cz.farnell.com/jsp/displayProduc ... ch|p|plid|
(+cad soft eagle)

http://www.instructables.com/id/i2c-com ... d-Arduino/
http://www.meanpc.com/2012/10/i2c-commu ... o-uno.html


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WordMap Raphael.js 
http://return-true.com/2011/06/using-ra ... ate-a-map/

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Vega (d3) 
Vega is a visualization grammar, a declarative format for creating, saving and sharing visualization designs.
With Vega you can describe data visualizations in a JSON format, and generate interactive views using either HTML5 Canvas or SVG.
Read the tutorial, browse the documentation, join the discussion, and explore visualizations using the web-based Vega Editor.

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