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$ telnet hostname 80
GET /index.htm HTTP/1.1
host: hostname
tshark -R "http"
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HOSTNAME=`hostname --fqdn`
DATE=`date "+%d%m%Y"`
tar cvfz /var/backup/${HOSTNAME}_${DATE}.tar.gz /etc/
chown xxx:xxx /var/backup/${HOSTNAME}_${DATE}.tar.gz
scp -i /home/xxx/.ssh/id_dsa_${HOSTNAME} /var/backup/${HOSTNAME}_${DATE}.tar.gz \
cd /folder2archive/
find . -mtime +14 -type f > /tmp/arch.out; tar -cvf /mnt/server/archive_2010_10_04/archive.tar --files-from /tmp/arch.out
find . -mtime +14 -type f | xargs rm -rf
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Zapnutí logování činnosti uživatele root:
1) přilášení root přes konzoli
2) přihlášení root přes ssh
3) použití příkazu su na root
4) použití příkazu sudo na root
relace, které pro session využijí include systém-auth nepotřebují specifickou řádku v definici pam stacku. při default by byl posup následující:
[root@myczsl0bl0clcs1 pam.d]# grep system-auth * | grep session
atd:session include system-auth
chfn:session include system-auth
chsh:session include system-auth
crond:session include system-auth
ekshell:session include system-auth
gssftp:session include system-auth
kshell:session include system-auth
login:session include system-auth
ppp:session include system-auth
remote:session include system-auth
run_init:session include system-auth
sshd:session include system-auth
su:session include system-auth
doplnění řádku:
[root@myczsl0bl0clcs1 pam.d]# cat /etc/pam.d/system-auth | grep session | grep tty
session required disable=* enable=root open_only
login, sshd a su použijí pam_tty_audit, volají totiž include system-auth, ale sudo system-auth nevolá, proto by mělo být použití modulu pam_tty_audit doplněno separátně
[root@myczsl0bl0clcs1 pam.d]# cat /etc/pam.d/sudo | grep session | grep tty_audit
session required disable=* enable=root open_only
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yum install e4fsprogs
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Install RPM Forge repo ... 92d1398e01 ... RE_via_RPM
nrpe RPM:
plugins RPM:
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the default network-bridge will be commented out and replaced by our script
[root@xen xen]# cd /etc/xen
[root@xen xen]# vi xend-config.sxp
# It is possible to use the network-bridge script in more complicated
# scenarios, such as having two outgoing interfaces, with two bridges, and
# two fake interfaces per guest domain. To do things like this, write
# yourself a wrapper script, and call network-bridge from it, as appropriate.
#(network-script network-bridge) <- commented out
(network-script network-wrapper) <- added
the interfaces bridged for xen will be:
[root@xen xen]# cd scripts/
[root@xen scripts]# cat network-wrapper
dir=$(dirname "$0")
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=1
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=2
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=3
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=4
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=5
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=6
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=7
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=8
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=9
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