550 Jazz Standards  

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Using telnet to connect HTTP, wireshark to show the http traffic 
$ telnet hostname 80
GET /index.htm HTTP/1.1
host: hostname

tshark -R "http"


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LDAP: cool DIT browser (ie tooling platform ) 
Apache Directory Studio is a complete directory tooling platform intended to be used with any LDAP server however it is particularly designed for use with the ApacheDS. It is an Eclipse RCP application, composed of several Eclipse (OSGi) plugins, that can be easily upgraded with additional ones. These plugins can even run within Eclipse itself.

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HOSTNAME=`hostname --fqdn`
DATE=`date "+%d%m%Y"`
tar cvfz /var/backup/${HOSTNAME}_${DATE}.tar.gz /etc/
chown xxx:xxx /var/backup/${HOSTNAME}_${DATE}.tar.gz
scp -i /home/xxx/.ssh/id_dsa_${HOSTNAME} /var/backup/${HOSTNAME}_${DATE}.tar.gz \

cd /folder2archive/
find . -mtime +14 -type f > /tmp/arch.out; tar -cvf /mnt/server/archive_2010_10_04/archive.tar --files-from /tmp/arch.out
find . -mtime +14 -type f | xargs rm -rf

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Linux session audit 
Zapnutí logování činnosti uživatele root:

1) přilášení root přes konzoli
2) přihlášení root přes ssh
3) použití příkazu su na root
4) použití příkazu sudo na root

relace, které pro session využijí include systém-auth nepotřebují specifickou řádku v definici pam stacku. při default by byl posup následující:

[root@myczsl0bl0clcs1 pam.d]# grep system-auth * | grep session
atd:session include system-auth
chfn:session include system-auth
chsh:session include system-auth
crond:session include system-auth
ekshell:session include system-auth
gssftp:session include system-auth
kshell:session include system-auth
login:session include system-auth
ppp:session include system-auth
remote:session include system-auth
run_init:session include system-auth
sshd:session include system-auth
su:session include system-auth

doplnění řádku:

[root@myczsl0bl0clcs1 pam.d]# cat /etc/pam.d/system-auth | grep session | grep tty

session required pam_tty_audit.so disable=* enable=root open_only

login, sshd a su použijí pam_tty_audit, volají totiž include system-auth, ale sudo system-auth nevolá, proto by mělo být použití modulu pam_tty_audit doplněno separátně

[root@myczsl0bl0clcs1 pam.d]# cat /etc/pam.d/sudo | grep session | grep tty_audit

session required pam_tty_audit.so disable=* enable=root open_only

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Add ext4 to RHEL/Centos 
yum install e4fsprogs

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RedHat/Centos lifecycle, RHEL3, RHEL4, RHEL5 

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Installing NRPE via RPM 
Install RPM Forge repo

http://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResour ... 92d1398e01

http://nagioswiki.com/wiki/index.php/In ... RE_via_RPM

nrpe RPM: http://packages.sw.be/nagios-nrpe/
plugins RPM: http://packages.sw.be/nagios-plugins/

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XEN networking, network wrapper 
the default network-bridge will be commented out and replaced by our script

[root@xen xen]# cd /etc/xen
[root@xen xen]# vi xend-config.sxp
# It is possible to use the network-bridge script in more complicated
# scenarios, such as having two outgoing interfaces, with two bridges, and
# two fake interfaces per guest domain. To do things like this, write
# yourself a wrapper script, and call network-bridge from it, as appropriate.
#(network-script network-bridge) <- commented out
(network-script network-wrapper) <- added

the interfaces bridged for xen will be:

[root@xen xen]# cd scripts/
[root@xen scripts]# cat network-wrapper
dir=$(dirname "$0")
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=1
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=2
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=3
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=4
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=5
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=6
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=7
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=8
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=9

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