Zdeněk Izer - stráž 

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Paroubek na Marsu 

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WINrpe (nrpe) for Windows 
Other nrpe than nrpe_nt is available as Windows service to connect Nagios monitoring with Windows servers. More info is at: http://www.itefix.no/i2/winrpe.

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Instantly create large file with dd command 
To create 180GB disk for VM issue:
dd if=/dev/zero of=space.img bs=1024 count=0 seek=$[1024*1000*180]

dd if=/dev/zero of=space.tmp bs=1G count=180 

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Linux HA crm_resource 
[root@cl1 ~]# crm_resource -L
resource_system2 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen)
resource_system3 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen)
resource_system4 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen)

[root@cl1 ~]# crm_mon
Defaulting to one-shot mode
You need to have curses available at compile time to enable console mode

Last updated: Tue Jul 7 11:33:27 2009
Current DC: cl1 (a9972101-4a50-4cb7-8dd6-91844a5d23e5)
2 Nodes configured.
3 Resources configured.

Node: cl2 (9f8ae28f-a1c4-43b3-8b13-374cc82d5be6): online
Node: cl1 (a9972101-4a50-4cb7-8dd6-91844a5d23e5): online

resource_system2 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen): Started cl2
resource_system3 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen): Started cl1
resource_system4 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen): Started cl2

[root@cl1 ~]# crm_resource --verbose --migrate --resource resource_system2

[root@cl1 ~]# crm_mon
Defaulting to one-shot mode
You need to have curses available at compile time to enable console mode

Last updated: Tue Jul 7 11:36:14 2009
Current DC: cl1 (a9972101-4a50-4cb7-8dd6-91844a5d23e5)
2 Nodes configured.
3 Resources configured.

Node: cl2 (9f8ae28f-a1c4-43b3-8b13-374cc82d5be6): online
Node: cl1 (a9972101-4a50-4cb7-8dd6-91844a5d23e5): online

resource_system2 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen): Started cl1
resource_system3 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen): Started cl2
resource_system4 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen): Started cl2

[root@cl1 ~]# crm_resource --un-migrate --resource resource_system2

[root@cl1 ~]# crm_mon
Defaulting to one-shot mode
You need to have curses available at compile time to enable console mode

Last updated: Tue Jul 7 11:39:20 2009
Current DC: cl1 (a9972101-4a50-4cb7-8dd6-91844a5d23e5)
2 Nodes configured.
3 Resources configured.

Node: cl2 (9f8ae28f-a1c4-43b3-8b13-374cc82d5be6): online
Node: cl1 (a9972101-4a50-4cb7-8dd6-91844a5d23e5): online

resource_system2 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen): Started cl2
resource_system3 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen): Started cl1
resource_system4 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen): Started cl2

[root@cl1 ~]# crm_resource --query-xml --resource resource_system2
resource_system2 (heartbeat::ocf:Xen): Started cl2
raw xml:
<primitive class="ocf" type="Xen" provider="heartbeat" id="resource_system2">
<meta_attributes id="resource_system2_meta_attrs">
<nvpair name="target_role" id="resource_system2_metaattr_target_role" value="started"/>
<instance_attributes id="resource_system2_instance_attrs">
<nvpair id="2ad5bac8-69f0-4443-8ee3-2e13392f9c1d" name="xmfile" value="/etc/xen/system2"/>
<nvpair id="fddcde50-6717-4f10-8126-ecaf562b2a80" name="allow_migrate" value="1"/>
<nvpair id="1f2202e4-3df7-42e6-8d2f-a455908b2793" name="allow_mem_management" value="0"/>
<nvpair id="aea95d53-ae2b-44b2-85f6-e03239fce97d" name="reserved_Dom0_memory" value="512"/>

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Addin repository for OpenAFS to Centos 
http://www.nabble.com/adding-a-reposito ... 20485.html

[root@vm01 AFS]# wget http://dl.openafs.org/dl/openafs/1.4.10 ... noarch.rpm

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Sun Cluster 

bash-2.05# scstat -q

-- Quorum Summary --

Quorum votes possible: 3
Quorum votes needed: 2
Quorum votes present: 3

-- Quorum Votes by Node --

Node Name Present Possible Status
--------- ------- -------- ------
Node votes: node14 1 1 Online
Node votes: node18 1 1 Online

-- Quorum Votes by Device --

Device Name Present Possible Status
----------- ------- -------- ------
Device votes: /dev/did/rdsk/d3s2 1 1 Online

bash-2.05# scinstall -pv
Sun Cluster 3.1u3 for Solaris 9 sparc
SUNWscr: 3.1.0,REV=2003., 113801-12 117949-08 115364-10 115571- 03
SUNWscu: 3.1.0,REV=2003., 113801-12 117949-08 115364-10 115571- 03
SUNWscsck: 3.1.0,REV=2003., 115953-03
SUNWscnm: 3.1.0,REV=2004.
SUNWscdev: 3.1.0,REV=2003., 113801-12 117949-08
SUNWscgds: 3.1.0,REV=2003., 115061-01
SUNWscman: 3.1.0,REV=2003., 113801-12 117949-08
SUNWscsal: 3.1.0,REV=2003., 113801-12 117949-08
SUNWscsam: 3.1.0,REV=2003., 113801-12
SUNWscvm: 3.1.0,REV=2003., 113801-12
SUNWmdm: 3.1.0,REV=2003., 115053-03
SUNWjdmk-runtime: 5.1,REV=34
SUNWjdmk-runtime-jmx: 5.1,REV=34
SUNWcacaocfg: 1.0,REV=25
SUNWcacao: 1.0,REV=25
SUNWscmasa: 3.1.0,REV=2004., 118627-01 115364-10
SUNWscva: 3.1.0,REV=2003., 115055-01
SUNWscspm: 3.1.0,REV=2004.
SUNWscspmu: 3.1.0,REV=2004., 115364-10
SUNWscspmr: 3.1.0,REV=2004.
SUNWexplo: 4.3.1,REV=2004.

bash-2.05# lustatus
Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy
Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status
-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------
s9be yes yes yes no -
s10be yes no no yes -
bash-2.05# cat /etc/lutab
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND. This file is not a public interface.
# The format and contents of this file are subject to change.
# Any user modification to this file may result in the incorrect
# operation of Live Upgrade.

bash-2.05# cat /etc/lutab
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND. This file is not a public interface.
# The format and contents of this file are subject to change.
# Any user modification to this file may result in the incorrect
# operation of Live Upgrade.
bash-2.05# cd /etc/lu
bash-2.05# cat ICF.*
cd /net/sunray/export/seif_unzipped/opt/ses/software/Solaris10U3/
nohup luupgrade -u -n s10be -s /net/sunray/export/seif_unzipped/opt/ses/software/Solaris10U3/
cd /net/sunray/export/seif_unzipped/opt/ses/software/Solaris10U3/Solaris_10/Tools/Installers/
# scstat -W

-- Cluster Transport Paths --

Endpoint Endpoint Status
-------- -------- ------
Transport path: node14:qfe1 node18:qfe1 Path online
Transport path: node14:qfe2 node18:qfe2 faulted
bash-2.05# cat /etc/cluster/nodeid
bash-2.05# cd /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/
bash-2.05# ls
rt rtreg rtsupport
bash-2.05# find .
bash-2.05# lumount -n s10be /mnt
bash-2.05# ./installer -noconsole -nodisplay -altroot /mnt -state /var/tmp/stateFile
bash-2.05# cd ..
bash-2.05# cd Solaris_sparc/
bash-2.05# cd Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_10/Tools/
bash-2.05# ls
defaults dot.release lib locale scinstall
bash-2.05# ./scinstall -R /mnt/ -u update

bash-2.05# pwd
bash-2.05# ls
haevent hamasa hastorage rgoffload
hafoip hascip hastorageplus

bash-2.05# cd /etc/cluster/ccr/
bash-2.05# ls
dcs_service_1 dcs_service_keys
dcs_service_1.bak dcs_service_keys.bak
dcs_service_10 did_instances
dcs_service_10.bak did_instances.bak
dcs_service_2 did_types
dcs_service_2.bak did_types.bak
dcs_service_3 directory
dcs_service_3.bak directory.bak
dcs_service_4 dpm_status_table
dcs_service_4.bak dpm_status_table.bak
dcs_service_5 epoch
dcs_service_5.bak epoch.bak
dcs_service_6 infrastructure
dcs_service_6.bak infrastructure.bak
dcs_service_7 rgm_rt_SUNW.LogicalHostname
dcs_service_7.bak rgm_rt_SUNW.LogicalHostname:2
dcs_service_8 rgm_rt_SUNW.LogicalHostname:2.bak
dcs_service_8.bak rgm_rt_SUNW.SharedAddress
dcs_service_9 rgm_rt_SUNW.SharedAddress:2
dcs_service_9.bak rgm_rt_SUNW.SharedAddress:2.bak
dcs_service_classes rgm_vp_version
dcs_service_classes.bak rgm_vp_version.bak
scrgadm -a -t SUNW.gds
clrt register rgs
scrgadm -r -t gds
scdidadm -L
metadb -a -c 3 -f

root( c0t1d0 )
metadb -a -c 3 -f c0t1d0s7

root@blade-02 # scdidadm -L
1 u60-10:/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d1
2 u60-10:/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d2
3 u60-10:/dev/rdsk/c5t9d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d3
3 blade-02:/dev/rdsk/c4t9d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d3
4 u60-10:/dev/rdsk/c5t10d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d4
4 blade-02:/dev/rdsk/c4t10d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d4
5 u60-10:/dev/rdsk/c5t11d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d5
5 blade-02:/dev/rdsk/c4t11d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d5
6 blade-02:/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d6
7 blade-02:/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d7

root@blade-02 # scdidadm -L | grep c4t11d0
5 blade-02:/dev/rdsk/c4t11d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d5

root@blade-02 # cat /etc/hosts
# Internet host table
::1 localhost localhost blade-02 loghost blade-02. u60-10

root@blade-02 # scdidadm -L | grep c4t11d0

root@blade-02 # metaset -s Z1-DS -a -h blade-02 u60-10
root@blade-02 # metaset -s Z1-DS -a -m blade-02 u60-10
root@blade-02 # metaset -s Z1-DS -a /dev/did/rdsk/d5
root@blade-02 # metaset -s Z1-DS

Set name = Z1-DS, Set number = 1

Host Owner
blade-02 Yes

Mediator Host(s) Aliases

Driv Dbase

d5 Yes

root@blade-02 # metainit -s Z1-DS d1 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d5s0
Z1-DS/d1: Concat/Stripe is setup

root@blade-02 # newfs /dev/md/Z1-DS/dsk/d1
root@blade-02 # mount /dev/md/Z1-DS/dsk/d1 /share/


1. Create diskset
# metaset -s Z1-DS -a -h NODE1 NODE2
2. Add the same nodes as diskset mediators to each diskset.
# metaset -s Z1-DS -a -m NODE1 NODE2
3. Add the disk(s) chosen previouslyto the
Z1-DS diskset.
# metaset -s Z1-DS -a /dev/did/rdsk/dx [/dev/did/rdsk/dy]
4. Verify the status of the new disksets.
# metaset -s Z1-DS
# medstat -s Z1-DS
5. #check metaset disk for a slice 0 and put it into a metadevice
# metainit -s Z1-DS d1 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d#s0
6. add a FS to zhe metadevice
# newfs ...
7. on both nodes create mountpints and vfstab entries
/dev/md/Z1-DS/dsk/d1 /dev/md/Z1-DS/rdsk/d100 /Mountpoint ufs 2 no -


root@blade-02 # cluster show| grep -i name
root@u60-02 # eeprom | grep local

root@u60-02 # cat /etc/hostname.hme0
u60-02 group sc_ipmp0 -failover

root@u60-02 # cat /etc/hosts
# Internet host table
::1 localhost localhost u60-02 loghost u60-02. u60-12
root@blade-02 # cat /etc/hostname.*
eri0-test deprecated -failover group sc_ipmp0 up
addif blade-02 up
qfe0-test deprecated -failover group sc_ipmp0 up

root@u60-10 # cldg list

root@u60-10 # cldg show

=== Device Groups ===

Device Group Name: Z1-DS
Type: SVM
failback: false
Node List: blade-02, u60-10
preferenced: true
numsecondaries: 1
diskset name: Z1-DS

root@u60-10 # cldg switch -n u60-10 Z1-DS
root@blade-02 # clresourcetype register SUNW.HAStoragePlus
root@blade-02 # clresourcegroup create Z1-DS
root@blade-02 # clresource create -g Z1-DS -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus -p FilesystemMountPoints=/zone01 zone01
root@blade-02 # clrg show

=== Resource Groups and Resources ===

Resource Group: Z1-DS
RG_description: <NULL>
RG_mode: Failover
RG_state: Unmanaged
Failback: False
Nodelist: u60-10 blade-02

--- Resources for Group Z1-DS ---

Resource: zone01
Type: SUNW.HAStoragePlus:6
Type_version: 6
Group: Z1-DS
Resource_project_name: default
Enabled{u60-10}: True
Enabled{blade-02}: True
Monitored{u60-10}: True
Monitored{blade-02}: True

root@blade-02 # clresourcegroup online -M Z1-DS

root@blade-02 # clrg show

=== Resource Groups and Resources ===

Resource Group: Z1-DS
RG_description: <NULL>
RG_mode: Failover
RG_state: Managed
Failback: False
Nodelist: u60-10 blade-02

--- Resources for Group Z1-DS ---

Resource: zone01
Type: SUNW.HAStoragePlus:6
Type_version: 6
Group: Z1-DS
Resource_project_name: default
Enabled{u60-10}: True
Enabled{blade-02}: True
Monitored{u60-10}: True
Monitored{blade-02}: True

root@blade-02 # cldg switch -n blade-02 Z1-DS
root@blade-02 # clresource status

=== Cluster Resources ===

Resource Name Node Name State Status Message
------------- --------- ----- --------------
zone01 u60-10 Online Online
blade-02 Offline Offline

root@blade-02 # cldg show

=== Device Groups ===

Device Group Name: Z1-DS
Type: SVM
failback: false
Node List: blade-02, u60-10
preferenced: true
numsecondaries: 1
diskset name: Z1-DS


root@blade-02 # clrg switch -n blade-02 Z1-DS
182 cd /mnt/Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_cluster_agents/Solaris_10/Packages/
183 ls -la | grep zone
184 pkgadd -d . SUNWsczone
root@u60-10 # clrt register SUNW.gds
root@u60-10 # clrt list
root@u60-10 # ls /opt/SUNWsczone/sczbt/bin/
clear_zone functions probe_sczbt start_sczbt stop_sczbt validate_sczbt
root@u60-10 # cd /opt/SUNWsczone/sczbt/util/
root@u60-10 # cp sczbt_config sczbt_config.bak
root@u60-10 # ./sczbt_register -f /zone01/paramdir/sczbt_config
sourcing /zone01/paramdir/sczbt_config
Registration of resource zone01-rs succeeded.
Validation of resource zone01-rs succeeded.
root@u60-10 # cat /zone01/paramdir/sczbt_config | grep -v "^#"


root@u60-10 # scstat -g

-- Resource Groups and Resources --

Group Name Resources
---------- ---------
Resources: Z1-DS zone01 zone01-rs

-- Resource Groups --

Group Name Node Name State Suspended
---------- --------- ----- ---------
Group: Z1-DS u60-10 Online No
Group: Z1-DS blade-02 Offline No

-- Resources --

Resource Name Node Name State Status Message
------------- --------- ----- --------------
Resource: zone01 u60-10 Online Online
Resource: zone01 blade-02 Offline Offline

Resource: zone01-rs u60-10 Offline Offline
Resource: zone01-rs blade-02 Offline Offline
root@u60-10 # clrs enable zone01-rs
root@u60-10 # scstat -g

-- Resource Groups and Resources --

Group Name Resources
---------- ---------
Resources: Z1-DS zone01 zone01-rs

-- Resource Groups --

Group Name Node Name State Suspended
---------- --------- ----- ---------
Group: Z1-DS u60-10 Online No
Group: Z1-DS blade-02 Offline No

-- Resources --

Resource Name Node Name State Status Message
------------- --------- ----- --------------
Resource: zone01 u60-10 Online Online
Resource: zone01 blade-02 Offline Offline

Resource: zone01-rs u60-10 Online Online
Resource: zone01-rs blade-02 Offline Offline
root@u60-10 # bootadm update-archive
updating /platform/sun4u/boot_archive

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Unique GPU bencharking tool, the Unigine Tropic Tech Demo 

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Setting up LVM on three SCSI disks with striping 
# pvcreate /dev/sda
# pvcreate /dev/sdb
# pvcreate /dev/sdc

# vgcreate my_volume_group /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc

# vgdisplay

# lvcreate -i3 -I4 -L1G -nmy_logical_volume my_volume_group

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Some RedHat cluster commands unsorted 
Web frontend for cluster (when xen cluster kernel)
yum install luci ricci
luci_admin init
service luci restart

GTK+ tool for cluster configuration (/etc/cluster/cluster.conf)
yum install system-config-cluster

Resource Group Manager
yum install cman rgmanager
rpm -qil cman | grep ccsd

Global Filesystem
yum list \*gfs\*
yum install gfs2-utils kmod-gfs2-xen
mkfs.gfs2 -j 2 -p lock_dlm -t new_cluster:gfs /dev/sdb1

Cluster monitor
service cman start
clusvcadm status
clusvcadm -l
cman status
cman_tool status
service dlm status
cman_tool nodes

Cluster config XML
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<cluster config_version="3" name="new_cluster">
<fence_daemon post_fail_delay="0" post_join_delay="3"/>
<clusternode name="" nodeid="1" votes="1">
<clusternode name="" nodeid="2" votes="1">
<cman expected_votes="1" two_node="1"/>
<fencedevice agent="fence_manual" name="cloveck"/>
<vm autostart="1" name="node1" path="/etc/xen/node1"/>
<vm autostart="1" name="node2" path="/etc/xen/node2"/>

Cluster reference (RH)

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